I research and write about lumbar radicular pain (sciatica) and cauda equina syndrome. I’m the author of Understanding Sciatica (with Prof. Annina Schmid) and Cauda Equina Syndrome: The MSK Clinician’s Guide (with Rob Tyer). I also publish newsletters, comic books and peer-reviewed research.

Read an article:
Terminology time
So, uh, what is CES anyway?
How bad are the dermatomes?
That nylon thread study
What do we actually know about disc herniations and radicular pain?
Does bending and lifting cause disc herniations?

Watch an interview:
Understanding sciatica and CES
The lower limb neuro exam

Buy a book or zine:
Cauda Equina Syndrome: The MSK Clinician’s Guide
Understanding Sciatica
Differential diagnosis of radicular pain
The neuro exam
The straight leg raise

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