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Hi, I’m Tom.
I research and write about lumbar radicular pain (sciatica) and cauda equina syndrome (a condition that’s similar to sciatica but involves damage to more nerves).
I’m the author of Cauda Equina Syndrome: The MSK Clinician’s Guide (with Rob Tyer) and Understanding Sciatica (with Annina Schmid). I also publish newsletters, comic books and peer-reviewed research. As well as my writing, I also provide online training to clinicians.
My goal is to create the best educational resources in the English language about lumbar nerve root pain.
Read a popular article:
- Terminology time
- So, uh, what is CES anyway?
- How bad are the dermatomes?
- What do we actually know about disc herniations and radicular pain?
Buy a book or zine:
- Cauda Equina Syndrome: The MSK Clinician’s Guide
- Understanding Sciatica
- Differential diagnosis of radicular pain
Book a webinar:
I teach a webinar for clinicians that helps them to deal with potential cases of cauda equina syndrome in their practice. For more information, please contact me: tomjesson1 at gmail dot com.